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The Gringuita From Concepcion
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My Worst Month Ever
After I returned from La Esperanza somewhat refreshed, I met another friend and her family at La Guaruma. She was a nice woman who was...

January, A Very Eventful Month!
The month started off with another trip to Guachipilincito. R was still in town, and I told him that I couldn't be his girlfriend. He was...

Toodaloo 1992!
My young friend G invited me to her brother's first birthday party. There was a large gathering of children, and they were very loud and...

Exploring My New World
By this time, I'd been meeting people, and exploring the neighboring villages. Unfortunately, I had yet to see my Honduran counterparts...

The Water Project Dedication
Finally, the day came when C. and I were heading to Guachipilincito for the water project dedication. I wore a sun dress and sandals to...

My Introduction to Concepcion
My house mother gave me a handmaid ceramic basket for my graduation from training. Then, she and the family sent me on my way. When...

The Latter Part of Training
Each of the trainees were assigned to visit a volunteer in action. I was assigned to visit K., who was stationed at El Filon, which was...

My First Trip to the Hospital and other Details
As I have said, we were eating different foods that sometimes had dangerous bacteria in them. This time, the culprit was a meat stuffed...

In the Beginning
It was April 1992, and I was getting ready to ship out to my job with the US Peace Corps. The day before, I packed two bags that weighed...
I've always thought of sharing my Peace Corps story, but it wasn't until I started reconnecting with Hondurans that I realized I had a...
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